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John Hancock International High Dividend ETF

Today’s Change
-- (--)


Inception Date
Dec 20 2022
Expense Ratio
Global Ex. US Equities
Fund Owner
John Hancock Funds
Volume (1m avg. daily)
Associated Index
Fractionable on Composer

Top 10 Holdings

Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA
Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.
Toyota Tsusho Corporation
Nippon Steel Corporation
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG
Eni Spa
JFE Holdings, Inc.
Marubeni Corporation
Sumitomo Corporation
Assicurazioni Generali SPA
Invest with JHID

What is JHID?

The fund is an ETF, which is a fund that trades like other publicly-traded securities. The fund is not an index fund. The fund is actively managed and does not seek to replicate the performance of a specified index. Under normal market conditions, the fund invests at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in dividend-paying large- and mid-cap equity securities of non-U.S. developed market companies. These dividend-paying large- and mid-cap equity securities are incorporated in, or have their primary listing exchange in, developed markets, excluding the U.S. The manager will consider, but is not limited to, MSCI market classifications in determining whether a country is a developed market country. Dividend-paying non-U.S. developed market equity securities in which the fund may invest include common and preferred stocks, convertible securities, rights, warrants, and real estate investment trusts ("REITs") (or their local equivalents). The fund considers the large- and mid-cap non-U.S. developed market equity universe to be those non-U.S. equity securities in the top 85% of the free-float adjusted market capitalization within each developed market country.

ETFs related toJHID

ETFs correlated to JHID include FNDF, IVLU, DFIV

John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust - John Hancock International High Dividend ETF
Schwab Strategic Trust - Schwab Fundamental International Large Company Index ETF
BlackRock Institutional Trust Company N.A. - iShares MSCI Intl Value Factor ETF
Dimensional ETF Trust - Dimensional International Value ETF
BlackRock Institutional Trust Company N.A. - iShares MSCI EAFE Value ETF
American Century ETF Trust - Avantis International Large Cap Value ETF
Pimco Equity Series - PIMCO RAFI Dynamic Multi-Factor International Equity ETF
Invesco Capital Management LLC - Invesco FTSE RAFI Developed Markets ex-U.S. ETF
WisdomTree Trust - WisdomTree International Equity Fund
WisdomTree Trust - WisdomTree International High Dividend Fund
Dimensional ETF Trust - Dimensional International Core Equity 2 ETF

What is ETF correlation?

Correlation is a measure of the strength of the relationship between two ETFs. It quantifies the degree to which prices of the two ETFs typically move together.

Here, correlation is measured over the past year with the Pearson correlation coefficient (Pearon’s r), which ranges from -1 to 1.

Using ETF correlations in portfolio and strategy construction

ETF correlations can help you create investing strategies and portfolios. Use them to:

  • Build a diversified portfolio from uncorrelated or inversely correlated ETFs with the aim of minimizing portfolio risk.
  • Compare correlated or related ETFs to find one with a lower expense ratio or higher trading volume.
  • Create an investing strategy that hedges an ETF with an uncorrelated or inversely correlated ETF.


JHID is a Global Ex. US Equities ETF. The fund is an ETF, which is a fund that trades like other publicly-traded securities. The fund is not an index fund. The fund is actively managed and does not seek to replicate the performance of a specified index. Under normal market conditions, the fund invests at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in dividend-paying large- and mid-cap equity securities of non-U.S. developed market companies. These dividend-paying large- and mid-cap equity securities are incorporated in, or have their primary listing exchange in, developed markets, excluding the U.S. The manager will consider, but is not limited to, MSCI market classifications in determining whether a country is a developed market country. Dividend-paying non-U.S. developed market equity securities in which the fund may invest include common and preferred stocks, convertible securities, rights, warrants, and real estate investment trusts ("REITs") (or their local equivalents). The fund considers the large- and mid-cap non-U.S. developed market equity universe to be those non-U.S. equity securities in the top 85% of the free-float adjusted market capitalization within each developed market country.

JHID dividend information: Dividend - High Yield. Dividend payouts may vary in terms of frequency of payouts.

Yes, JHID is actively managed. In an actively managed fund, the fund manager makes decisions about how funds are invested. A passively managed fund typically tries to track or follow a market index.

No, JHID is not passively managed. It is actively managed. A passively managed fund typically tries to track or follow a market index. In an actively managed fund, the fund manager makes decisions about how funds are invested.

The 1-month return on JHID is 0.0136%. This is the percent change in the value of JHID over the most recent 1-month period. The 3-month return on JHID is 0.0213%. This is the percent change in the value of JHID over the most recent 3-month period.

ETFs similar to JHID include DGS, DWX, and DXJ.

ETFs correlated to JHID include FNDF, IVLU, and DFIV.

ETFs that are inversely correlated to JHID include EFZ, EPV, and EDZ.



We show information directly obtained from our data provider, Xignite. Data shown here is provided by Xignite, an unaffiliated third party. Composer believes the information shown here is reliable, but has not been verified and there is no guarantee that the information is accurate.


We show information based on calculations performed by Composer using data from our provider. Information provided here is based on calculations performed by Composer using data sourced from Xignite, an unaffiliated third party. Composer believes this information is reliable, but has not verified the data and there is no guarantee that the calculations are accurate.